English summary

Our project aims to activate new energies in our local community. The energies we wanto to activate are oriented to an active involvment on the environmental issues and spread active citizenship in order to contribute to the development of our city featured by rural conditions. In order to do it our project aims to connect our local community with several innovative practices on sustainable mobility, at local as european level. The best instrument to reach our project's objectives it is the start up and activation of a CICLOFFICINA called MOVE UP, a space and place for bike's workshops and for all the project implementation featured by practical and periodical workshops, informative productions and debates and events oriented to share theories and good practices on environment & sustainable mobility. The ciclofficina's activities will be practical workshops, periodically organized in order to share ideas, experiences and practical know how on "bikes" and especially oriented to share culture and abilities in saving old bikes and bike's used or "broken" parts. Adding to the physical space of the ciclofficina and the periodical workshops the projetc's activities will be featured by not formal education events. Those periodical events will be used to develop visibility and partecipation to the project and share ideas, informations, debates around environment and mobility, in a positive (good practices examples) as in a negative (pollution, environmental problems). Those events will be featured by informal contest and methods and supported by "experts" and multimedia contribute. The project will we promoted in the local community, local schools as first, thru informative and promotionals materials created by our group. The project's final production of a multimedia production and printed maps (both translated in italian and english) it is a main aim of our project. Those materials will be oriented to promote to our local community and to every body "good practices on environment &mobility and ideas as concrete itineraries proposals in our rural local contest". From the beginning we will activate a web site or social network blog for our project in order to promote partecipation and visibility locally, and over the borders.